The Rest of the Story

USA Lost Its Way

Senate Bill on Gun Laws: The Senate Bill for changes to existing Gun Control Laws is very dangerous to all Americans and includes provisions that violate the US Constitution. The truth is that none of the provisions would have stopped any of the mass shootings that prompted these idiotic actions by the US Senate. More on that in another article.

What has happened to the US Senate these days? I guess it is time for an article to explain the differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate. I understand that our schools have decreased the information taught about Civics and the purpose of each part of our government; however, those elected to serve in Congress are required to swear to serve and adhere to the US Constitution. The government created by the founders is a Republic form of government with certain responsibilities and restrictions for each branch and house of congress.

The House of Representatives is the body elected at the closest level to the people to act on behalf of those people who live within their District (community) and they must stand accountable to those people and run for office every two years. The key responsibilities of that body are to make laws that are beneficial to those in their district and to develop and pass the budget to fund all USA operations as supported by those in their district.

The Senate has a totally different set of responsibilities and is structured and elected differently. The Senate is composed of two Senators from each state regardless of the size or population of the state.  Senators are elected to serve six-year terms and are elected in statewide elections to represent the entire state and the needs of the citizens of that state. The Senate’s main function is to be the “adult” in the room – they review all bills passed by the House to evaluate how they impact the people within their state. This structure provides a buffer for the smaller states that don’t have as many votes in the House so that the big cities and/or states don’t just get to do things that harm the less populated areas. The expectation is that intelligent people that care about their home state would always work to be in agreement with the citizens of their state. While it is possible for bills to get started in the Senate, all bills that become laws must be drafted in the House, approved by the House, approved by the Senate, before going to the President to be approved and signed into law. Each Senator has the responsibility (with the help of a very large staff) to review each Bill and test the expected result it would have on their state’s population and the country as a whole. The purpose of the Senate is to be the adult and not be reactionary or prone to daily politics or media reports! They do not have to run for office for six years and they answer to the voters at the statewide level. The Senate should never ever try to “do something and do it now”.

Our government was formed as the greatest form of government in the history of the world with protections to keep it that way. What has happened over the past several years is shameful and must be turned around. That can only happen when the voters begin selecting people that are honest, trustworthy, understand and support the Constitution, and love America. Our government has become a bully to its citizens and a weak leader to the rest of the world. There is a saying that “the fish rots first from the head” and it also describes our country. The person sitting in the White House cannot do it all, but he sets the tone and direction. He selects all department heads and therefore how they will function. Those people must be experts in the field that their department is challenged to manage. Filling those key positions based on skin color, sexual lifestyles, political goals, and financial connections is a road that leads to disaster for our country and its citizens.

While it is easy to blame those in control, it is poorly thought out votes by voters that put those in office that are causing the decay of the American Dream. I am personally tired of hearing – “I am only one person, I cannot do anything to fix it!” If you care, do you care enough to read about and understand the issues? Do you stop and think about what if some other outcome creates a bigger problem than it was intended to fix? Are you willing to talk to others about your thoughts or questions? Do you assume things will just work out the way they work out even if you don’t get involved? Do you think you are busier than everyone else? Do you go through life as a teenager letting the adults make decisions for you and then complain about the situation you are in?


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