God has blessed all of us with gifts. The ability to do something a little bit better than normal. He makes all of us special and different so we can live and work together as a team. Each of us brings something unique so we complement each other rather than all of us being the same. At the same time, He created us all to be compatible with each other. Evidence of God’s masterpiece of design.
The Bible has much to say about Spiritual Gifts and how they are used for unity and diversity in the body. This may be a couple, a larger family unit, a congregation, or a nation. God gives us talents that allow us to develop certain skills to a higher level than the average as another way to be different from the crowd. When we recognize our abilities and then put the extra effort into developing that skill/talent to the limit of our ability, something special comes from our efforts. Nothing special comes from a half-hearted effort, but dedicated work can produce a beautiful outcome.
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24 New International Version
God blessed me with a wife that was special to me and had so many qualities and skills that I needed in my life to help me get closer to the person God wanted me to become. I have heard a statement many times and I have said it several times over the years, that “God has your special mate already picked out”. I understand the idea behind that message, but I could not connect it to Eva’s story about the first day we met. How does a third grader know that she will one day be married to a boy she just met?
Eva was a loving and caring person who developed her skills in cooking, sewing, and crafting; however, her gift of singing was where she excelled. She would spend days looking for a new song that told the message she was feeling in her heart, and then she would practice singing it until it felt real. She was a shy person in nature, but singing to the Lord was her calling. I have said that the only way I could carry a tune is in a paper bag. I never believed I could be good at singing and did not sing loud enough for anyone to hear me. I hated music in elementary school and never tried to improve or develop whatever ability I had.
I love to listen to music of all types and at a younger age, loved to dance. When alone in the car or at home, I sometimes sing along with the singer if it is one of my favorite songs. I was thankful that I had many old cassette tapes from years ago that Eva had used when practicing various songs and I found some recorded on special music nights at church. I chose to use some of those songs during her celebration of life service. I have posted those songs on my website so they can be listened to by family and friends whenever they wish.
If I could sing and dared to sing in front of people, this is the song I would have sung at that service.
God’s Plan Song by Owen Mac
We all set out to find true love
to meet someone special that was sent from above
to have and to hold together growing old
to love for the rest of our lives
it was all a part of god’s plan, my love
you are my woman and I am your man
it was all a part of god’s plan, my love
joining our hearts till death do us part
living forever god’s plan
I knew when I met you would be my wife
I felt like I had known you every day of my life
your blue eyes so bright to my wondering soul
that guided me all the way home
it was all a part of god’s plan, my love
you are my woman and I am your man
it was all a part of god’s plan, my love
joining our hearts till death do us apart
living forever god’s plan
it was all a part of god’s plan, my love
living forever god’s plan
we’ll weather and storm in each other’s arms
living forever god’s plan
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