The Rest of the Story

Memories – Second Child

It was Saturday, April 25, 1970, the last time when Tammy would have her birthday party to herself. Her cousins, Kim, Pam, Karen, Greg, and Robert were there to celebrate her third birthday. It was a fun time for the kids and adults; however, Eva was more than a little uncomfortable, she would give birth to Jennifer just 3 days later. She was on her feet so much that I was afraid that she might deliver at any moment.

We had been concerned about the baby’s condition ever since the car wreck back in September; however, her pregnancy had been normal. Eva had spent the week preparing for the birthday party and making sure that things were ready for the baby. She had a doctor’s appointment on Monday morning, and we were sure that she would be going into the hospital on Tuesday morning. Tammy was getting excited about becoming a sister, but we did not know if it would be a boy or a girl. She knew she would be staying at her Grannie’s house when her Mom would be in the hospital.

On Monday evening, Eva and I took Tammy to her Grannie’s to spend the night. She was a little anxious at first, but she loved being with her Grannie. I have no way of knowing if the labor pains were any easier with the second delivery, but it was a shorter period. Jennifer was perfect with a bonus of red hair and a lot of it. The hospital had a larger number of new babies that week, so they put Eva in a room that was on the same floor but around the corner close to the stairs. The next day, I took Tammy with me to the hospital, and we went up the stairs to her floor. I checked her room to see if Eva had the baby with her and then got Tammy so she could see them both in the room.

Eva had some problems on Wednesday and that night, but they felt she would be OK at home, so she was released on Thursday. We stopped and picked up Tammy on the way home from the hospital and planned to have a restful night at home. Eva developed an infection and the doctor called out a prescription for an antibiotic; however, the only pharmacy that was open at that hour was far from our house. Eva’s Mom came over to take care of Eva and the girls so I could go to get the medicine. The medicine caused Eva to lose her hearing temporarily, so her Mom helped take care of Jennifer while I was at work and helped some nights. Eva’s Mom was a dear and sweet person.

Eva got much better within a week, and I could see her smile when taking care of the new baby and explaining things to Tammy. Tammy liked being a big sister and talking to her. We were so thankful that Jennifer was a healthy baby and that our prayers had been answered.

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