The Rest of the Story

Depression The Killer

When the economy is booming, everyone has a job, and there is no violence, we feel like life is great. Our days do not look bright when the economy is not doing well and things are falling apart. Those are normal reactions that we will have the majority of the time. Some will have a positive outlook almost every day and others may approach each day with a “wait and see” attitude.

I believe each one of us will have periods when we are emotionally down due to a sad event and that can take longer at times to get through. We lean on others to get the strength to fight on, but we know we must and that there will be a tomorrow.

When the world is turned upside down and there is chaos, we may not be aware that someone close is drowning. Things in their life have snowballed into an avalanche that they cannot find a way out. One unexpected event knocked them down and caused them to question who they are. Their whole life changed and while adjusting to that, they lost their job. Little by little, their self-esteem is gone. Everything is internalized and next to impossible to discuss with others. No one can judge anyone as harshly as the person dealing with that level of depression.

I cannot speak for everyone, but I know I can see someone struggling and think they will work through their problems in time. I also know it can be difficult to help someone if they do not want your help. In this country, some people just want a free ride on someone else’s dollar. However, other people with serious depression problems do not get the help they need. We see the results of that daily.

The worst situation is when help is available, but the individual is too embarrassed to accept the help. We raise our children to be strong and self-sufficient. To work through the problems and to be proud of what they accomplished. Those traits become a part of their character and help them gain success in life. However, when faced with a major event that they never expected like a divorce, some will just move on, while others, it is not easy to adjust. That can cause a person to feel like a failure. Every change that is required adds to the sense of failure and every other problem adds to the size of the snowball.

The fact that so many marriages end in divorce, conditions us to think that everyone gets through it in time. There are other events like losing a job that many of us have dealt with at times, but not everyone rebounds the same. It depends on what else is going on at that point in their life. We cannot know how a person is managing each of those problems, especially when they are internalizing their feelings and not sharing them with others. We need to continue to stress self-solving of problems, but somehow include an understanding that help is available when the load is too heavy. As a parent, I always assume that my family knows that, but every person is unique, and they may not see that as an option they choose to take.

We live in the greatest country in the world, and we do so many things right, but we still have many problems. Lately, our government has been normalizing mental illness conditions instead of treating them as an illness. That has allowed it to spread like a virus and that just makes it more difficult for those dealing with depression. It adds to the feeling they are sinking in quicksand with nothing to grab hold of.

We need God more than ever now and that is where we will find solutions. We must pray that He will shine light on the path we need to follow.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

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