The Rest of the Story

Adjectives and Heaven

We live in a world where adjectives are used often when we describe a person, things, and conditions. Adjectives are often overused and underused at other times. Because they are used often, we sometimes double up to make a point. In elementary school, we learned to put together simple sentences like “Mary is a girl.” Then we were taught about adjectives and the sentence became “Mary is a good girl.” To separate Mary from other girls, we might say “Mary is a very good girl.” With that we have now used an adverb and an adjective to get the message across that Mary is not just a girl.

We do the same thing when describing something or someone as bad or very bad. When used as intended and less often, they help us describe a situation as different than normal. So, what is the point of this message? It is not an English lesson, and I am not qualified for that anyway.

After losing a loved one, we have difficulty describing our feelings about that loss and may repeat phrases that are used during those discussions. When I say, “Heaven is a better place now that Eva is there”, I am trying to say that I love her, and she made my life better. However, the truth is that Heaven is perfect and cannot be made better by those that are added to its rolls. While my life will never be the same without her, she will always have an impact on my life. She did in fact make me a better person and make our family better.

She taught me how to love without limitations and how to be loveable. God used her to pull me closer to Him. Eva never read a Bible verse to me or quoted scripture to me or told me that I needed to change anything in my life. What she did was find songs that had a message that spoke to what she had in her heart. She would practice singing that song until she could sing it from her heart and God would provide the opportunity for her to share it with others. Many times, the first time I heard her sing the song would be in church with her providing the special music for that Sunday.

Eva was a homeroom mother, and a vacation bible school worker, and she worked with the children’s choir while our daughters were young. She loved being a grandmother and taking care of their needs and teaching them things. Eva was my helpmate and lifelong partner through the good times and rough times. Both of us are imperfect but made better as a family.

Having said all of that, Eva did not earn her trip to Heaven. Eva gained her passage by the grace of God by accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior. All the wonderful things she did after that made our lives better and maybe she touched others with her quiet ministry through her gift of song. To now be in the presence of God is as good as it can get and none of us can improve on that.

John 6:37 New International Version
37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

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