The Rest of the Story

When The Pain Is Too Much

With the passing of my wife, Eva, and all of the pain she went through for so many years and another loss recently, I feel the need of sharing this message.

Chronic health problems are very hard to live with, whether it is you or a loved one. Depression is almost a guarantee at some point. If it is your life, you know other people want the best for you and you hear their words of encouragement; however, you may feel they don’t know how you really feel. As your days just keep being the same as the day before and things don’t get any better, a feeling may creep in that you just want it to be over. An idea that you have become a burden to others and are just too tired of putting on the “face of fighting” the illness. Your loved ones have run out of new ways to give you encouragement and appear to be repeating the same words each time. The term “survivor” no longer has the same meaning and you have lost your will to live “just one more day”.

Stop and take a few minutes to think of no other things but one! Do your loved ones know you well enough to deal with that moment when you are gone from their lives? Do they know if you have accepted Jesus as your savior? If you have, have you shared that with someone? Do you think it is too late? It is not, remember there were three crosses on that hill and not just Jesus. The one that asked Jesus to forgive him as he hung on the cross next to Him. That message is there for you to know Jesus is waiting, just ask. Forget what you assume your loved ones think or how they will feel or what they will say. If you have already been saved or just reached out to Jesus in private, tell someone you love about that. You need to do that and it will make a huge difference to your entire family and friends. Not one of us has managed to get through life without sins in our lives.

After doing that, then just give life one more day. See if tomorrow you might feel a little less beat-down and a little less depressed. Tomorrow you might think of something you have been meaning to say to someone. Remember, none of us is promised to live beyond one day at a time. Just try to do something tomorrow that needs to be done – don’t look further than that day. God may be giving you one more day to make something right or to share a message with a loved one. Just put it in God’s hands and it will lessen your burden and will make a big difference to those that will grieve your passing.

Can you give them that gift as you leave them?

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