The Rest of the Story

Memories – Aunt Ruth and Uncle Bill

I have so many wonderful memories of going to Uncle Bill and Aunt Ruth’s farm in Kosse. Since Daddy owned his own business we weren’t able to go on long vacations each year but I bet we went to Kosse at least 6-8 times a year. One summer, I spent a week with them and went to work with Aunt Ruth at her drugstore/soda fountain in downtown Kosse.

I also remember the clock & I remember sleeping on pallets (not the wooden kind) but ones made of old quilts, probably some made by Mama Jones.

I remember shelling purple hull peas on their back porch and since I was a city girl, I didn’t think of it as work but as so much fun! I remember drinking water out of a ladle since they had well water. I also remember going hunting in his old truck with him and Daddy. We would leave at dusk to hunt for rabbits. Daddy taught me to drive at Uncle Bill and Aunt Ruth’s. He tried to teach me to drive a standard transmission, to no avail.

One more thing I remember about Uncle Bill is that he was a gentle giant. One of the kindest men I ever knew. He did everything quietly but was a hardworking, Christian man. I still miss him and Aunt Ruth.      Debbi Fritz