Last night, I watched the movie “Disciples in the Moonlight” on the Great American Family streaming service. When it started, I was not sure I would watch the entire movie because I thought the plot might be too much of a stretch—a small group smuggling Bibles to underground churches. The period is set sometime in the future here in America; however, as the movie played on, I realized it might not be too far in the future.
Christians are not being openly persecuted, and the Bible is not being taken away per se. A new version called “True Bible” has been adopted by the government and all “Holy Bible” versions must be turned in and replaced with the legal “True Bible”. Even digital copies of the illegal Bibles must be destroyed, or the person is arrested when their phones or other devices are scanned, and illegal copies are found. Churches, homes, and all buildings can be searched without warrants or legal notices.
The “True Bible” appears much the same as the old “Holy Bible”; however, the wording of many scriptures has been changed to be more inclusive. With the new version, nobody has Hell in their future regardless of their life choices. Security cameras are everywhere to ensure compliance. Those suspected of hiding or delivering illegal versions of the Bible can be shot or tortured to gain information about other smugglers.
The behaviors of the public follow how the public behaved during the COVID-19 government controls. They go along to get along and not draw attention. They trade their Bible for the approved Bible and accept sermons in the church where the new text is presented as from a revised and more friendly god. Those few churches that decide to keep sharing the original scriptures with those desiring to continue to follow God’s Word, must do so via “underground” meetings. To have access to Bibles with original text, seven Christians volunteer to smuggle Bibles to seven churches in seven locations in different states in the middle of the night, risking their lives.
Those that did not understand what was occurring in this country starting in 2020 and continuing today, may not understand much about this movie. Those who understand how important it is to not change God’s Word; I believe they will see the danger that our future can include.
I have been guilty of using the phrase “God’s unconditional love” to explain undeserved love. The Gospel of Jesus Christ does not say that all actions are acceptable to God. With our salvation, we are to be a changed person and leave our sins in the past. Jesus never said that anyone can define their own “truth” or decide what is right or wrong and certainly not any government. Governments can create laws used to control their people, but they have no control over who gets into Heaven.
This movie gives you something to think about.
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