The Rest of the Story

Fooled by Satan

I have noticed some younger adults have become more vocal these days by portraying themselves as being much smarter than those that brought them into this world. Most of them have little more than a high school education and very little work experience, yet they have all of the answers. A summary of that vast knowledge is everything their parents and grandparents taught them is wrong! They have reached this level of great wisdom via all of the knowledge shared on Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and other great sources of knowledge. Their knowledge is verified by the agreements received by their friends on these platforms.

A key point they like to make is that a person has to be stupid to believe in God, especially if they believe that Jesus ever existed. They will say that those are just names in a book. It is also interesting that their actual knowledge of world history and even American history seems to be very limited as well. Why do we care what these people think and are they worth the effort to try to help them? Some of them are people we love dearly and must try to help them get back on the right path.

In the Old Testament, you will find much written by prophets like Daniel, that tell of things to come to the past in the future. There are many verses that describe the coming of the Messiah and information to help identify Him at that time. So many details that must be met so there should be no confusion. The book of Daniel was written by Daniel between 605 and 530 B.C. – at least 530 to 605 years before Jesus was born.

The Book of Daniel contains only 12 chapters and about 17 pages – all worth reading. Daniel was blessed by God with great wisdom. His ability to understand events as they were occurring and to explain those events that would occur in the future, were proven to be accurate during his lifetime. The New Testament was written after the Messiah Jesus’ time here on Earth and the appearance of the Holy Spirit. There are many examples in the New Testament where knowledge will increase, but many will be drawn to sin and away from God.

During my lifetime, I have witnessed universities teaching students ideas and lifestyles that are contrary to God’s teachings. In more recent years those concepts flowed down into the high schools, then to the middle schools. Now we are seeing things taught to elementary schools and in some pre-schools that are just EVIL. Governments are including many evil concepts in their laws and promote them at every opportunity and in every branch of government. This has produced a generation of young adults that have aligned with the evilest of our generation.

The Book of Revelation was written by John the Apostle between A.D. 90 and 96. This book is the “revelation” of Jesus Christ as given to John. Chapter 18 is about the Fall of Babylon after it had been taken over by evil. It is a warning to God’s people to escape Babylon’s judgment.

Throughout the Bible, we are taught to love the “lost”, to pray for them, and to help them find their way to God or back to God. This can be the most difficult task we face in our lifetime. As young parents, we tried to do all of the things necessary to raise our children in a way that protected them from bad things and gave them an opportunity for a future that would be better than ours. Many of us had our children involved with church and activities that would become part of their foundation. Most of us believed that our children would never get caught up in things that would take them away from us and from God.

Because our pain is personal, a loved one is trapped by evil, and we tend to focus our energy on our personal crises. The TRUTH is that we must fix the source of the problem to turn the tide or “stop the bleeding” of losing our kids to evil lifestyles. We must fix our laws, fix our schools, and even fix what is being taught in many churches today. World History must include all of the facts in an honest way and those in government that lies about what is acceptable to God must be removed from office.

America must turn back to God and fight for all of our people or surely America will receive the punishment of Babylon described in Revelation.