The Rest of the Story

Returning To Commonsense

“He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.” Benjamin Franklin
“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” Theodore Roosevelt

Anyone paying attention realizes this country is a mess these days. Where are our priorities and why are we doing stupid things? The latest FEMA problems are just the result of unbelievably bad leadership in the US Government. Our government is failing its citizens daily due to corrupt people being elected by ignorant self-centered voters.

The USA is a country of neighbors that help their neighbors when they need help no matter the cause. That is the foundation this country was built on. There is no question in my mind that many of our problems result from our two political party systems; however, the root of the problem is the voters. Lack of meaningful education and self-interest motivation keep them from making wise decisions.

There is an old saying about a dog that bites the hand that feeds him. If all those people who continually blame America for their problems were to have their way and bring down our form of government, who would take care of their needs? Under socialism, if they do not work, they will not eat. When no individual owns their home, homes will be owned by the government and will deteriorate in a few years. Who will grow our food when all farmland is controlled by the government?

If you get up in the morning and hate this country, you have problems that you need to address. If you see things that could be changed to better serve American citizens, then provide your input through your representative. Selecting who you vote for should be a result of educating yourself about how our government functions, seeing all American citizens as your neighbors, thinking about beyond you, to your children and grandchildren, and then only voting for candidates that would work to make our government function better for everyone.

You might give two dollars to someone on the corner, but would you hand them a blank signed check and drive off? Would you select a brain surgeon based on the number of tattoos, the color of their hair, and the color of skin to operate on your child or would you want the most skilled and experienced brain surgeon to care for your child. We can never have safe communities by making every action legal. That will make our communities and country Hell on Earth.

Congress has never passed a law allowing abortions in the US; however, it has passed a federal law that makes “late-term abortions” illegal. Roe v Wade was not a law that was passed by Congress or signed by the President of the United States of America. It was a ruling by seven Justices of the Supreme Court on a case regarding a single woman. That ruling was overturned by a ruling in another case by the current Justices of the Supreme Court. That decision simply returned to the individual states the right to set laws based on the desires of their residents. During the years that Roe v Wade was the de facto law, more than 60 million babies were aborted. That is the number of residents in California and New York combined.


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