The Rest of the Story

America at a Crossroad

A message by Ronald Reagan in October 1964, titled “A Time for Choosing”, clearly presented the choice that the voters had in the 1964 Election. How have things changed during the past 58 years? We wonder what happened to a thing called “Common Sense”, but the truth is that so many have rejected it for many years. It may well have become extinct these days.

What our country faced then was a choice that was critical to America and to its citizens; however, the seduction of government programs pulled our nation down the road of more socialism. The Democrats have had more than 58 years to solve our problems. Lyndon Johnson was an expert at lying, the best liar in politics of his time. Joe Biden holds that title in the years since Johnson’s death. Trillions of taxpayer dollars have been taken from American workers to feed thousands of programs that would fix the problems Americans faced. Each year, the government takes more of your income, and yet the problems only get worse.

In March 1965, Johnson made the decision to send U.S. combat forces into battle in Vietnam. By June, 82,000 combat troops were stationed in Vietnam, and military leaders were calling for 175,000 more by the end of 1965 to shore up the struggling South Vietnamese army. By November 1967, the number of American troops in Vietnam was approaching 500,000, and U.S. casualties had reached 15,058 killed and 109,527 wounded. As the war stretched on, some soldiers came to mistrust the government’s reasons for keeping them there, as well as Washington’s repeated claims that the war was being won.

During Johnson’s time in the White House, America was faced with years of huge riots in several cities around the country. Trillions have been spent, a lot of that money borrowed, to solve those problems. The BLM riots prove that money is not the answer. Our society has looked to solve our problems by implementing socialism and pushing out God from our country. In every place where God has been removed, the Devil has filled the void. Decency has been replaced by evil.

There are two truths that should be understood – 1) you cannot buy your way out of Hell and 2) you cannot make Hell a better place by adding more sin.

America was made a great country with a foundation based on the love of God, family, and nation. It was built by individuals working hard to make a better life for their families, community, and nation.

There is the idea that problems can be fixed by simply taking more money from those that have greater wealth and giving that to those that have less wealth. While that is not a new idea, it now has a new name – Equity. For most of my life, the idea of “equal opportunity” was the goal. That everyone could have a chance to do better in life. It was not expected to always produce the same outcome, because the amount of effort put in by the individuals might vary or the decisions made by the individuals could affect the outcome.

The Equity that is being pushed today comes directly from Karl Marx’s “Marxism” outlined in “The Communist Manifesto”.

So, what does Equity look like in practice if fully implemented? Three bricklayers are working on new houses in the same development and all the same sizes. One of those brick layers completes two houses during the week. The second person completes one house and starts working on a second house during the week, but the work is a bit sloppy. The third person has not completed the first house and requires a lot of supervision to correct flaws that could cause problems with the structure later. At the end of the week, all three bricklayers are paid the same salary (equity). The idea behind equity is that by six months later, all three of the bricklayers would be completing two houses per week and the world would be a better place. However, what actually occurs is quite different – the incentive of the faster and better workers is killed, and less work is completed by all three workers.

Socialism is not a new concept; it has been tried many times throughout history and has failed in every place where it has been tried. Communism still exists and people are executed to keep it in control. Almost a billion people in China would come to America to get away from communist control if they could. Venezuela replaced capitalism with socialism, and it destroyed the country and its people.

We are again at a crossroads where American citizens must decide whether we continue down the path toward socialism or we will return to what made America great? Is it possible for American voters to turn back to God or will we continue to give Satan more control over our lives?

“A Time for Choosing” by Ronald Reagan – YouTube


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