Knowing the difference between what you know to be true and what you assume is true will never keep you awake at night unless you care to know the difference. When individuals accept assumptions as facts based on the beliefs of others due to who they are or the number of those in agreement, they seldom do a “common sense” test. Governments and many people have dismissed common sense as a judgment tool for years. The result has been bad decisions.
I remember as a child asking my mother to let me do something and saying “Joey’s” mom is letting him do it. Her answer was, “If Joey jumps off the house, should you?” I learned to put my request through the “common sense” test before asking her for permission. I usually found out that Joey never asked his mom either. All the kids knew that arguing against common sense could get you a spanking to reactivate our common sense.
During the early settlement days of the “new world”, those living here were subjects of the King of England. Some were indentured servants, required to work at least seven years to pay off their debt for their passage to get here. All of those here were required to pay taxes to England as a part of the products produced here, like the tax on tea sales. Those taxes and other issues led to the American Revolution. With the formation of the United States and the adoption of the US Constitution, citizenship provided no financial benefit or real legal basis other than being free of England’s controls.
During the past 250 years, many changes have occurred, and the Constitution has been amended as well as assumptions determined in the courts. The definition of citizenship is one of them. As with any issue, other changes can severely impact how the definition impacts all American citizens. The freedoms guaranteed to American Citizens within the US Constitution make the United States the most desired place to live. The world population today is 8.2 billion and the USA population is 347 million. An estimated 15+ million have come into the USA illegally during the past 4 years and there is another estimated 25 million that do not have a legal right to be here. If allowed, at least seven billion more would come to the USA as soon as they could travel here.
The population of the State of New York is almost 20 million with about 10 million living in New York City. Of that 10 million around 900,000 illegal aliens are living in the city now that have no legal right to be in the USA. During the past 4 years, more than the total population of Pennsylvania has illegally come into this country. For several years, the West Coast states have seen “birthing vacations” become a trend for countries like China, India, and others. Women coming into America on vacation visas for one or two months during the last months of their pregnancy to give birth to their child in a US hospital. The child gets a USA birth certificate and then the parents have a path to coming to the USA via “chain migration”.
DACA was originally established via executive action in June 2012 to protect certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children from removal proceedings and to receive authorization to work for renewable two-year periods. To be eligible, individuals must have arrived in the U.S. before turning 16 and before June 15, 2007; be under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012 (i.e., under age 44 as of 2025); be currently enrolled in school, have completed high school or its equivalent or be a veteran; and have no lawful status as of June 15, 2012. The program has enabled over 900,000 immigrants to stay in the U.S., go to school, and contribute to the economy through employment.
DACA was never a law created by Congress and only a rule established by the Obama Administration to provide a pause for legal proceedings that could force these people to leave the USA. It also gave them access to benefits that only citizens would normally be entitled to. Many of these people now have children born in the USA and they claim the right to stay because of their children.
H-1B visas allow hiring foreign contract workers for positions requiring skills not available in the USA. It is also possible for the spouse to come with that worker and possibly for that spouse to work here even if that position can be filled with a local employee. If a child is born in the USA, that child gets a USA birth certificate as well. The current interpretation is that any child born anywhere in the USA is a US citizen by birth.
I am not aware of any other country in the world that has that as their citizenship laws, none. Why should “birthright citizenship” be decided in the courts now? During the past 4 years, the Biden Administration spent billions of taxpayers’ dollars providing benefits to people here in this country illegally. Funds that were approved by Congress for other purposes were illegally transferred to illegal aliens. Additional millions or billions were given to groups to fund large groups with their travels from other countries to come to the USA through illegal entry.
Congress must pass a law that clearly makes those actions illegal and defines appropriate penalties. We must have a clear definition of the processes to become a US citizen and what prevents a person from being a US citizen. For example – “If a person is here illegally and deported, they can never become a USA Citizen.”
In 2022 alone, about 2.6 million people immigrated to the US via authorized channels so it is not like there is no legal immigration. Some individuals on student or work visas remain after their visas expire, making their status illegal. Nearly one million individuals become naturalized citizens each year by completing the required process.
Common Sense tells you changes are needed and we must have borders that are real and laws that work.
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