The Rest of the Story

Election 2024 – General

The first Presidential Election I could vote in was in 1964 because you had to be at least twenty-one to vote. I have voted in every election since then and this will be the 15th Presidential Election during those 60 years. All those elections were important, and the country was impacted by each of those elections. Some lessons can be learned by studying the campaigns and looking at what occurred during the 4 years following; however, that is no longer taught in our high schools, so we rely on “ignorance is bliss” and TikTok videos to decide for whom to vote.

There is a saying; “We get the government we deserve.” That does not mean that we get the government we want or need. Sixty-five to eighty percent of those who regularly vote will have their mind made up as to who they will vote for long before the primaries are completed. There is always a small percentage that will want to cast their vote for a long shot as a protest vote. Out of the group that calls themselves “Independents”, some of them do make selections on an individual basis, but I think some just prefer to play the game of “convince me”. However, the majority of the money and time spent during the campaigns is chasing those “undecided” votes. It would be different if those voters always did their homework and got it right.

I get very irritated when I hear someone say they voted for someone but were surprised about how dreadful things got later. A foolish voter is worse than someone who does not vote. Today it is easy to learn about a person’s record or plans. A person who has a history of lying is not going to begin being honest to get your vote. When a person or group tells you to not believe your own eyes or what you are dealing with every day but to believe what they are saying – you should know better than to believe what they are saying.

Between now and election day, I plan to write other articles providing more information regarding one or more critical issues for this election. Way too many voters are confused about facts and how candidates will act on issues and that is the desired result of their campaigning. At 81, this election could be my last Presidential Election that I get to vote in, and it is the most important in my lifetime. The impact will be far greater on our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren than on those of my generation; however, we must sound the alarm that that which is given away is almost impossible to get back once it is gone.

I will provide articles with details to help understand critical issues like; democracy/freedoms, inflation, jobs/small businesses, energy, taxes, healthcare, abortion, education, and wars. I will be voting Republican on every position on the ballot, but I will provide the things that should be considered on these issues so you can make a more informed decision.

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