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Killing Democracy

For the past several years, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media have been talking about the “Threat to Democracy” that President Trump and the Republican Party pose to the country. We have been hearing that non-stop along with attacks on at least fifty percent of the American citizens they call “MAGA Americans” which is slang for people who should be locked up or at least run out of town.

On Sunday night, August 25, 2024, Mark Levin presented a message about this subject and he used an article published by Freedom House. I will summarize the bullet points of the plan “How To Kill Democracy”. I hope you will read the complete list and as you are reading, pause and think about how each of those actions have been or could be used here in America. Then identify who has or might use them to control “your” actions and/or freedoms. I will provide my opinions at the end of this article.

How To Kill Democracy

  • Repress The People (control what is allowed to be said, written, or thought in public, shared in any form and at any time in the past)
  • Exploit The People (control where they can go, who they can meet with, and what they can do if a health concern can be identified for their own good)
  • Cripple Political Opposition (use all powers of the government, court system, access to media, fines, and regulations to control what ideas can be presented)
  • Capture Societal Institutions (schools, churches, government agencies, organizations, media, universities, controlled via government funding or tax regulations)
  • Dominate All Branches Of Government (all branches of government including the military becoming totally aligned with the current administration as political arms of those in charge)
  • Create Electoral Systems (that give the illusion of democracy)
  • Dominate The Media (media tied to government)
  • Control The Security Forces (federal, state, and local)
  • Control Key Elements Of The Economy (raise interest rates, print more money to increase debt, decrease value of funds held in savings)
  • Rewrite The History Of The Country (focus on the bad and ignore the truth)
  • Plow Through The Checks And Balances (ignore controls in the Constitution)
  • Define Repressive Acts as Democratic (everyone must comply to save the world)
  • Maintain Control Of Electoral Process (eliminate voter-ID laws, allowing voting by mail, ballot harvesting, early voting, late ballot counting, voter registration anywhere)
  • Create Illusion Of Competitive Elections (use fake reporting to hide actions, replace the existing President with someone not voted for)
  • Restrict Free Speech (misinformation, dis-information, blocking access)
  • Rewrite Our Language (changing use of pronouns)
  • Impose Beliefs And Thought Processes (redefine what is good and evil)
  • Rewrite The Language (change the meaning of words)
  • Impose New Belief Systems (unlimited genders, men can have babies, babies are not humans until the government says so)
  • Brainwash And Thought Control (indoctrination in schools and media)
  • Reengineer Society And The Individual (accepting party line)
  • Keep Bloating The Government (increasing the size and authority of government agencies)
  • Spend More (adding more government programs to create greater dependency)
  • Hire More Bureaucrats (more lifetime employees to vote with the government)
  • Rule By Regulations (expand authority beyond those allowed by US Laws)
  • Rule By Executive Orders (creating powers not within the Constitution)
  • Order More Audits (additional 85,000 IRS agents to go after individuals and companies)
  • Order More Investigations (control those that would dare to not agree)
  • Enforce More Penalties (control those that would dare to not agree)
  • Levy More Fines (bankrupt individuals and/or companies not aligned with the government)
  • Impose Price Controls (create the illusion of greedy companies)
  • Create Government-Run Healthcare (eliminate private plans)
  • Nationalized Drug Companies (taking away patents for drugs)
  • Impose Wealth Tax (taking a percentage of assets including retirement)
  • Increase Taxes (individuals, self-employed)
  • Increase Taxes (Corporations, small businesses)
  • Control Education (funding controls requiring rules and subjects taught)
  • Government Control Child Care (supporting vaccines, sex changes)
  • Attacks On The Traditional Family Nucleus (redefine marriage)
  • Mass Amnesty (up to 20 million that have entered illegally, voting rights, and access to all US benefits)
  • Attacks On Constitution (ignore parts that do not fit their needs)
  • Attacks On The Supreme Court (packing the court to make it align with the current government to eliminate the Third Branch Of The Government)
  • Eliminate The Electoral College (give the largest cities total over states with fewer voters)

I am including a link to an article published in June 2017 by Freedom House that discusses other countries. It describes how they maintain control over their people to retain total control while implying to the rest of the world that their country is a Democracy. There are many details within two broad categories used to maintain control. Indoctrination using all sources over a period and use of force utilizing fines, penalties, imprisonment, and loss of employment.

As I said earlier, we hear daily that President Trump and the Republican Party are a serious threat to democracy. The truth is that the Democrat Party and the mainstream media have been tearing away at our freedoms here in America for years and in the past four years they have demonstrated that they are no longer hiding their actions and goals. Every problem this country faces today is a direct result of its actions.

If the American Voters do not act in this election and vote for President Trump and Republicans for all positions, we may never get another chance to stop turning this country into another Russia or China.

June2017_FH_Report_Breaking_Down_Democracy.pdf (

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