The Rest of the Story

Election 2024 – Democracy/Freedom

The Democratic Party has made the statement that President Trump is a threat to “Democracy”. They have made that claim so many times that it could have been a factor in the assassination attempt on his life. For one day, President Biden said they would stop attacking him in that manner. Unfortunately, they began those attacks a day later and made it the Harris campaign’s main part. Listed below are actions that the Biden/Harris Administration has been doing over the past several years and explanations of how they are attacks on Democracy protected within the US Constitution. If you read the list, it will be clear that President Trump has not been the doer, rather these actions have come from Biden/Harris. You can determine which are good for the country and its citizens.

  • Repress The People(control what is allowed to be said, written, or thought in public, shared in any form and at any time in the past) The Biden Administration had Facebook, Twitter, Google, and network media companies block any information that did not agree with the message that the federal government wanted shared. This has been proven and directly violated the US Constitution’s 1st Amendment, making it a federal crime.
  • Exploit The People (control where they can go, who they can meet with, and what they can do if a health concern can be identified for their own good) Businesses, churches, schools, playgrounds, beaches, hospitals, and even family events were restricted causing many businesses to go out of business. Masks were required and six feet had to be maintained with no science to support those actions. Masks were required for school children even without any evidence that children were at any risk – delayed development and education and added unnecessary fear in their lives.
  • Cripple Political Opposition (use all powers of the government, court system, access to media, fines, and regulations to control what ideas can be presented) Many workers including doctors, nurses, teachers, and other critical workers lost their jobs for questioning the unreasonable controls and requirements to take untested medical treatments.
  • Capture Societal Institutions (schools, churches, government agencies, organizations, media, universities, controlled via government funding or tax regulations) All forms of organizations have been forced to accept controls and ideologies that are totally contrary to all previous knowledge.  Education is replaced with the indoctrination of DEI, unlimited genders, men can have babies, anyone can become a woman, and a ten-year-old can change their gender identity without parental notification.
  • Dominate All Branches Of Government (all branches of government including the military becoming totally aligned with the current administration as political arms of those in charge) Gender identity became a protected class with more protections than any other factor and race and trans status became the highest priority for selection to fill jobs even in the military ranks.
  • Create Electoral Systems (that give the illusion of democracy) Voting regulations were changed across the country that allowed increased voting periods, mail-in ballots mailed out to millions, allowed ballot harvesting by political workers to deliver thousands of ballots to unlawful drop-off boxes, ballot processing and counting unsupervised by both parties and ballots submitted with no legal tracking.
  • Dominate The Media (media tied to government) All mainstream media companies have direct connections to the Democratic Party and Facebook, Google, Twitter (was), and all of the printed press have become the government media for the Democratic Party. You hear the exact same message even on local TV.
  • Control The Security Forces (federal, state, and local) Federal funding for all levels of security forces even school and metro systems must follow the dictates of the federal government. Kamala provided funding and support to “defund the police” groups. Police were made to stand by and watch looting and buildings being burned.
  • Control Key Elements Of The Economy (raise interest rates, print more money to increase debt, decrease the value of funds held in savings) The Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Security Exchange, Federal Trade Commission, and the President control everything that happens. Congress passes the spending and how that is to be paid for but how and where the money flows is done by the bureaucracies.
  • Rewrite The History Of The Country (focus on the bad and ignore the truth) Changing what is accepted as history is done by university professors, teaching materials in public school systems, reporting by media, liberal authors, and politicians that lie about the true facts. The purpose is to reduce loyalty and divide groups of people.  Biden/Harris allowed statues to be torn down and buildings defaced with no arrests or prosecution.
  • Plow Through The Checks And Balances (ignore controls in the Constitution) President taking executive actions to forgive billions of student loans even after it has been determined to be unconstitutional multiple times – an attempt to buy votes from those owing student loans. DOJ getting involved with state cases and civil cases against an ex-president. FBI raids of residences of an ex-president. Government agencies creating new laws not passed by Congress – EPA & ATF in recent months as examples.
  • Define Repressive Acts as Democratic (everyone must comply to save the world) Everyone who did not get vaccinated was limited in getting on planes, and what buildings they could enter, and many lost their ability to work. Doctors were not allowed to treat patients with other medications.
  • Maintain Control Of the Electoral Process (eliminate voter-ID laws, allowing voting by mail, ballot harvesting, early voting, late ballot counting, voter registration anywhere) The Democratic Party has been wanting to get rid of the Electoral College to give the larger cities much greater control over the election of the President. This was part of the protections designed within the Constitution to prevent that from happening.
  • Create the Illusion Of Competitive Elections (use fake reporting to hide actions, replace the existing President with someone not voted for) Just like in countries like Russia and Venezuela where they still have elections, but it is for show, and other candidates are locked up or run out of the country or killed.
  • Restrict Free Speech (misinformation, disinformation, blocking access) Do you need this explained in more detail? You saw it firsthand and it continues today. False “fact checkers” to block any comment not agreeing with the government message.
  • Rewrite Our Language (changing use of pronouns) Requiring or accepting pronouns to be used in ways that violate the English language, and effort to force people to acknowledge statements that are not true. This is part of an indoctrination process.
  • Impose Beliefs And Thought Processes (redefine what is good and evil) Changing the centuries belief that a marriage can only be between one man and one woman if one of the attacks on the traditional family. Government payments to women if they are not married that is not available if the father is part of the family.
  • Rewrite The Language (change the meaning of words) A woman cannot be defined even by a justice on the Supreme Court.  There are many other examples besides crazily applying pronouns.
  • Impose New Belief Systems (unlimited genders, men can have babies, babies are not humans until the government says so)
  • Brainwash And Thought Control (indoctrination in schools and media) Masking, gender changes acceptance,
  • Reengineer Society And The Individual (accepting party line) Anyone not supporting the latest crazy idea is attacked and labeled as evil.
  • Keep Bloating The Government  The largest guaranteed voting bloc for the Democratic Party is government employees. That is the main driving factor for their efforts to expand the size and authority of government agencies. The second reason is that every new person receiving government assistance becomes a new Democrat voter.
  • Spend More  By adding more government programs to create greater dependency on the federal government and with more strings attached as to how it can be used.
  • Hire More Bureaucrats  The Democrats in power will put people in upper management positions as lifetime employees to operate as “deep state” to run the agency regardless of which party is in the White House. These positions do not require the approval of the Senate and are not easily fired by a new administration. These employees always vote Democrat. The majority of the Washington DC residents are these employees and 95% vote Democrat.
  • Rule By Regulations (expand authority beyond those allowed by US Laws) The Federal Reserve, Treasury Department (IRS), Security Exchange, Federal Trade Commission, and the President control everything that happens.
  • Rule By Executive Orders (creating powers not within the Constitution) The President taking executive actions to forgive billions of student loans even after it has been determined to be unconstitutional multiple times – an attempt to buy votes from those owing student loans. Kamala suggested price controls and taking away drug patents.
  • Order More Audits  Biden/Harris additional 85,000 IRS agents to go after individuals and companies with selection criteria that can be politically motivated. Another method to force acceptance of their programs.
  • Order More Investigations  This is another way to control those that would dare to not agree and the FBI and other DOJ resources have been used more than any time in history.  Not unlike the mafia and their protection racket.
  • Enforce More Penalties  This is the teeth for the investigations above when agreement is not reached, then penalties are imposed almost without limits.
  • Levy More Fines  Another form of punishment for those not aligned with government programs that can bankrupt individuals and/or companies.
  • Impose Price Controls Kamala says she will use price controls to fight high prices. Create the illusion of greedy companies to shift the cause of inflation to someone other than the government that caused the inflation by out-of-control spending.
  • Create Government-Run Healthcare  -Kamala has said she wants to eliminate private healthcare plans and have Medicare For All – check her prior statements.
  • Nationalized Drug Companies  Kamala has said she will take away patents for drugs to force lower prices – this would be unconstitutional and not allowed around the world. Would certainly severely reduce future drug research.
  • Impose Wealth Tax  Kamala wants to tax unrealized gains and other forms of retirement assets like 401k and IRAs.
  • Increase Taxes  Kamala is suggesting new tax credits for certain people and increased taxes on others at the same time tax credits for new small startup businesses while increasing taxes on other self-employed.
  • Increase Taxes  Kamala says she will levy large taxes on corporations and small businesses suggesting none of those increased costs will raise prices of goods and services.
  • Control Education The Democratic Party has pushed federal funding for public schools for years, but the bulk of the costs of those schools are paid by state and local taxes. However, federal funding allows major controls to be placed on the school systems requiring rules on operations and class materials.
  • Government Control Child Care  The push to provide even more child care funding allows an earlier introduction to ideas like gender selection, forcing vaccines, and hormone changes.
  • Attacks On The Traditional Family Nucleus  The Democrats have redefined what a marriage can be and have in some ways elevated other relationships above the traditional family.
  • Mass Amnesty  Biden/Harris and the Democratic Party are pushing for amnesty that could include up to 20 million who have entered illegally. They plan to include voting rights and access to all US benefits. Kamala has even made comments she wants federal-funded sex change operations offered to those in the country illegally.
  • Attacks On Constitution  Besides the 1st Amendment of free speech they have ignored the right to a fair trial before being considered guilty and several other parts that do not fit their needs.
  • Attacks On The Supreme Court Biden/Harris and Democrats have suggested adding many more justices (packing the court) to make the Supreme Court align with the current government. This would eliminate the Third Branch Of The Government as required in the US Constitution to ensure that the Office of The President and Congress do not violate the powers granted in the Constitution.
  • Eliminate The Electoral College  The Electoral College was set up in the US Constitution as a method to prevent the largest cities from being more controlled than those states or areas less populated. That is why the number of delegates matches the number in the House of Representatives plus the number in the Senate. If the Presidential election is based on the total vote count, large cities like NYC, LA, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, and a few others would always determine the President. That would give the Democratic Party an almost guaranteed victory and rural areas would be forgotten and not treated fairly.

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