The Rest of the Story

Election 2024 – Fix It

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” We have heard that saying many times, and most have said it at least once. So, what if it is broken or not working as it should? If you buy a business that is losing money or declining and do not make any changes, should you expect the future to be any better? Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I may be wrong, but I believe most people in America know our government has many problems that need fixing. Every two years we have elections to hire representatives to go to Washington DC to represent the citizens in their district. We select two Senators from our state to represent the citizens within our state in the Senate. Every four years we elect a President to be the CEO for all the citizens of the United States. We have been doing that process for almost 250 years. However, the machinery and the process are failing. “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” Our government functions like a bunch of teenage boys playing “shirts and skins” basketball in the street. All that matters is, we need to win.

If the voters want the government to work better, why does nothing ever change? “Follow the money.” Most of the very wealthy people are getting richer the way things work today. So how do they stay in control of the government? Collectively, they pump hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns and other organizations that fund programs with the sole purpose of dividing Americans on various issues. They will even fund candidates who may vote against one of their projects as long as they maintain control over the total game.

President Trump is not their friend. He is not a politician. He is a businessman who knows how to fix businesses that are not working. They saw what he did during his first three years, even when the Democrats in Congress were fighting his every action. He scared every life-long bureaucrat that is part of the “deep state” that runs the government agencies and those career politicians in Congress.

From the beginning of our country, printed newspapers were a major piece of the controls to keep those in office honest. The journalists were trained to investigate and report facts to help the citizens stay informed about what was happening without any biases. There was a period in the 1890s when the term “yellow journalism” began to be used to describe reporting designed to sell newspapers rather than report facts. Some newspapers reported things as facts, but the main purpose was to benefit one candidate over another. Political advertisements are for that purpose, but news reports should not be for that purpose. Today, the vast majority of mainstream media fully support the way our government functions now and they fight any effort to change how it works. The “follow the money” is very much at work. The truth is the only people that want the government fixed are the citizens.

President Trump has been clear about his plan, if elected, to restore the changes that made America better before and to make more changes that would put our country back on track to be the greatest country in the world again. Everyone knows how far they have gone to stop him, by using every means possible and violating his Constitutional rights in the process.

There has been a concerted effort to tie President Trump to Project 2025. He has never been involved with the development of that document, but he has talked about his ideas to make the government work much better for its citizens and to be more cost-effective for more than twenty years. So, what is this terrible Project 2025? The details are available to everyone who cares to read it. To summarize its purpose, it looks at the government agencies as they are structured today and provides a restructured approach that would allow all of those agencies to function better. Not only with cost savings, and more efficiency but with improved controls to prevent actions not allowed by the Constitution.

Does that approach scare you or do you expect your vote to bring about changes that make the government work better for you and make your life safer?

2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf (


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