The Rest of the Story


22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Romans 1:22-25 New King James Version

Apostle Paul reminded the church in Rome of the truth of Jesus Christ he had shared with them. He also gave them a warning to not turn to the ideas of the world. In these verses, he talks about those accepting the new ideas as truth and thereby becoming foolish. What was occurring in Rome at that point was the next phase of what we are experiencing in America today. What is not clear in these verses are the things that led to the economic collapse of the Roman Empire.  However, you can see those connections by studying other sources written about that period in Roman History. History repeats only because people do not learn a lesson from past experiences beyond last week.

I will try to summarize the changes to reduce the size of this article; however, there is a tremendous amount of information that backs up these points. The leadership in the Roman Empire was totally involved in the same-sex lifestyle and all that it involved as well as its citizens. So much so, that they brought people from other countries into the country to do the work so they would have time to play and have fun. The birth rates dropped to almost nothing because babies are not born from same-sex relationships. The need for more people from other countries and all new births came from those who had migrated to Rome.

The US Government has for too many years made decisions in the form of laws passed by Congress that have severely hurt our workers, consumers, and citizens. Our highly educated people in leadership positions, believing they are wise, have made very foolish decisions. With the “idea” that a world economy would solve all the world’s problems, laws and trade deals were implemented that determined which jobs were good and which jobs were not good for Americans. Congress passed financial accounting laws that made it a good deal for American companies to manufacture certain products in other countries like Japan to help rebuild their economy and employ many workers there. Within a few years, none of those products could be manufactured in the USA and compete at a lower price at that time.

The brilliant idea was used to allow China and then India, and over time every other country including Vietnam to sell more and more products in America. This was done intentionally as a way of helping all those economies with the idea that all those countries would be our friends and allies. With every one of those actions by Congress, more and more jobs in America went away and workers here had to find other work. We also saw with the “COVID” panic lockdown, many products were not available here in America. We are told that products made in America will cost much more than from China or India; however, people in America still have to live and if they cannot find jobs, the taxpayers will pay higher taxes to support those not working.

No other country has a clean environment like America for manufacturing products. If a product is made in China, there are no EPA controls or restrictions on child labor. The shipping costs and the graft involved with money coming back to people in Congress do not keep product prices low. That is just an indoctrination that we have accepted. There are almost no medications that are made in America today including things like gloves and gowns. There are no automobiles that are totally manufactured in America today, not one. Most of our food either comes from another country or the company located in America is owned by another country.

We elect way too many politicians who believe they are smarter than you, but they do very foolish things because they are not honest people. Their greed drives their decisions, and they pass or do not pass laws based on how the laws will directly affect their bank accounts. They will never voluntarily pass laws that restrict those actions until we drain the swamp in Congress and the Federal Agencies. If there was a federal law that required each elected person and all agency leaders to report their total wealth each year, we could see what they were worth when they went to Washington and how many millions they had after their government salary.

When President Trump talks about bringing back manufacturing to America, that is part of the bigger plan to Make America Great Again. It is to restore our country to be self-sufficient and strong with a strong economy. More people with good jobs, less crime, and safe neighborhoods. The other choice is to continue to follow the Roman Empire and hope for a different outcome.





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